How to use this site:
The navigation menu has tabs for the Library Summer Reading Recommendations and the English Department's Summer Reading list. Each section is organized by genre as well. Clicking the cover of a book will take you to a detailed description on its Sora page or Goodreads. If you're just getting started with Sora, our digital collections app, we have tutorial videos to help you out.
The main distinction is that you are required to read three books from the English Department's list as well as one other book of your choosing. The English Department have curated a list that complements rather than duplicates the department’s curriculum spanning centuries of literature. The Library's list highlights books published within the past two years that are both critically well-received and engrossing reads.
Both lists were created with care, taking into consideration a range of genres, voices, and interests. The Library and English Departments encourage you to read widely and voraciously this summer! This guide will stay up year-round so you can return to it as a resource any time you need a good book recommendation.
Most of the books on this list are available in Brearley's collection as physical copies and/or ebooks. Come by the library to browse these recommendations and other great books! Summer checkouts will begin Monday June 5th and continue through Thursday June 15th.
If you prefer e-reading or audiobooks, you can take advantage of our digital collection in Sora. Your username is your Library barcode number, which you will find on your Contact Card in Portal. Please e-mail Ms. Piedmont if you have questions or would like to request a specific title/format. Our public library systems also have a wide range of books available electronically. Check out our Sora tab for detailed instructions and information.
For those looking to purchase books, supports local bookstores, including The Corner Bookstore, The Lit Bar, Books are Magic, Yu and Me Books, and Astoria Bookshop, while offering reasonable prices and shipping directly to your home.